氏名(漢字) / Name in Kanji
or fill in alphabet if Kanji not available, last / first
氏名(ふりがな)/ Name in Hiragana
ひらがなでご記入ください。Or leave blank if hiragana is unknown.
メールアドレス / E-mail
所属(個人の場合は「個人」)/ Organization name (or Individual)
部署 / Department
役職 / Title
電話連絡先 / Phone
※本イベントの来場参加に関する連絡の目的のみに利用します。This information will be used only for the purpose of your participation in this event.
気候変動イニシアティブ(JCI)の参加団体ですか? / Are you a JCI member?
交流レセプションに参加予定ですか? / Will you participate in the reception?
メディアとして参加される場合はチェックを入れてください。 / Please check the box if you participate as media.
English follows Japanese.


個人情報の利用目的の通知、開示、訂正、追加または削除、利用停止、消去及び第三者提供停止、第三者提供記録の開示などのお問い合わせは、個人情報保護係 privacy@wwf.or.jp にて承ります。
(公財)世界自然保護基金ジャパン 個人情報保護管理者(事務局長)


*The personal information you provide will be managed by WWF Japan and the Renewable Energy Institution, 
the secretariat of the Climate Initiative.

【WWF Japan's handling of personal information】
The personal information you provide will only be used to contact you regarding your participation and hosting of this event. For this purpose, we may entrust the minimum necessary personal information to a contractor, but we will not provide your information to third parties for any other purposes. Please note that filling out this form is optional, but we may not be able to accept your application if the necessary information is not provided.

For inquiries regarding notification of the purpose of use of personal information, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of third-party provision, disclosure of third-party provision records, etc., please contact the Personal Information Protection Section at privacy@wwf.or.jp.

WWF Japan Personal Information Protection Manager (
Chief Executive Officer)

【Renewable Energy Institution's handling of personal information】

Please agree to the above before filling out your personal information.