Teacher account registration form

This page is for creating an account to use the AFP database “AFP Forum”. It is a service only for teachers and professors belonging to universities and other academic institutions that subscribe to AFPWAA.

Please fill in the blanks and click “ 確認画面へ“ then "送信する” on the next page if all the information is correct.
Once all the data is received by us, the account will be created.
It will take up to 3 working days before you receive a welcome mail.

e-mail address
(Enter again for confirmation)

Please be sure to use the e-mail address issued by your university.
For those who belong to Kyoto Sangyo University, please ensure that you send this form using the campus intranet.
Select university
Your major
Select your status
Name in Roman characters
Other notes:
Please click “確認画面へ” button below.