アクションプランへの意見や提案 / Comments or Suggestions


 On April 1, 2022, we announced the "Co-Creation Community Declaration".  This Declaration sets forth three goals for NAIST to become a community  that recognizes the diversity of its members as it pursues the creation  of new value through the exchange of opinions with courtesy and  empathy. We value our individual differences and pursue mutual  understanding and respect while rejecting discrimination. In order to  realize these goals, we have established the following action plan which  outlines the activities to be addressed from FY2022 to FY2027. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.

所属 / Affiliation
職名(学生の場合は前期課程or後期課程及び学年) / Title or year of study
ジェンダー / Gender
アクションプランへの意見や提案 / Comments or Suggestions on Action Plan