第277回 京都市民狂言会
The 277th Kyoto Citizens' Kyogen Performance

【日時 Day and Time】
March 7,Fri. 18:30 
Doors open, 19:00 Start

【詳細 Details(日本語 Japanese)】
第277回 京都市民狂言会

【場所 Place】

アクセス | 京都観世会館 (kyoto-kanze.jp)
Kyoto Kanze Kaikan(44, Okazaki Enshojicho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto)
English | Kyoto Kanze Noh Theater (kyoto-kanze.jp)

【対象者・Who can apply】 留学生・International Students

【定員・Capacity】 15人(1人1枚のみ)

15 people (one person can apply for one ticket)

【言語・Language】 日本語・Japanese

【参加費・Fee】 無料・Free

Application deadline: February 2
6 (Wed.)


If there are many applicants, the participants will be chosen by a draw. We will notify you of the results after the deadline.


Cancellation after application will cause inconvenience to the organizers and other international students who wish to participate.

Please check the schedule before applying to make sure you can attend.

京都留学生情報サイトのID / Your ID of Kyoto International Students Information Site
If you haven't registered yet, please get an ID on 
this website.
名前(学生証と同じ表記) Name (as in your student ID)
If your application name is different from the name on your Student ID, the ticket will be invalid.
フリガナ Name in hiragana or katakana (Optional)
学校名 School (Choose from below)
国籍 Nationality
メールアドレス E-mail
iCloudメールは使用不可。 Avoid using iCloud email.
連絡先 Phone number
メッセージ Messages and Questions