5/15 Cyber security and Diplomacy (アメリカ大使館主催)

Online registration form to attend the special lecture on Cyber Security and Diplomacy on May 15.

Please check the box.
Name in English (Last, First)
If you don't have a Japanese name, please enter N/A.
Email address
Phone number
悪天候、スピーカーの急病等でイベントの開催が中止または開催日時変更が生じた場合等の為の緊急時連絡先を記載ください。(In case, we need to cancel an event at the last minute, we need to contact you.)
Your grade(学年)
Your university or organization in English(学校名 / 団体名)
可能な限り正式名称を【英語で】ご記入ください。 Please type the full and official name of your school.
Your major in English(専攻もしくは、ゼミ等でフォーカスしている分野)
Questions to the guest speakers(聞いてみたい質問があればご記入ください)


Personal Information Collection Statement :
Information collected, including name, phone number, e-mail address will only be used for the purpose of sending future event information by the U.S. Embassy Tokyo. All information will be treated in confidence and not be disclosed to any other party.