
10月5日(土) オンライン教育懇談会にご参加の方は以下の事項をご記入の上、送信ボタンを押してください。

To participate in the online Round Table, please fill out the following information and press the submit button.
【Application deadline:July 16,2024】
・Interviews are available in Japanese only.
・Interviews will be conducted using the online meeting tool Zoom.
・We will set up an interview time between 10:00 and 16:10.
・Each interview is limited to 30 minutes.
If you wish to cancel after registering, please contact the secretariat.
Thank you for your understanding that if you do not show up at the appointed 20 minutes after the start time, the meeting will be cancelled.
・Details on the day of the educational meeting, including the meeting time, will be announced by e-mail approximately one week prior to the day of the meeting. The following address will be used to send you the information. Please set up your e-mail address to receive the information.
Parents Association Office:kouenkai@kyoto-seika.ac.jp
・Please be sure to provide specific details in response to the consultation.
For specialized employment counseling specific to your major or course, please meet with a faculty member to discuss your needs.

参加者のお名前(氏名フルネーム)を漢字でご記入ください。Please enter your full name.
参加者のお名前のフリガナをご記入ください。please fill in the furigana of the participant's name.
メールアドレスをご記入ください。Please enter your email address below.
携帯番号をご記入ください。Please enter your mobile phone numbers.
お子さまの学籍番号をご記入ください。Please enter your children's student numbers.
お子さまのお名前(氏名フルネーム)をご記入ください。Please enter your children's full name. 
例)木野 太郎
お子様の学部を以下より選択してください。Please select your children's faculty below.
お子さまの専攻・コースをご記入ください。※正確にご記入いただきますようお願いします。Please indicate your major or course of study.
学年を選択してください。Please select a grade.
教員面談をご希望の方は、以下にチェックをしてください。To request a Faculty meeting, please check below.
教員面談について、具体的な内容をご記入ください。Please provide specific details about the consultation.
進路・就職相談について、職員相談をご希望の方は、以下にチェックをしてください。To request a staff consultation regarding Career paths and employment, please check below.
【3,4年生のみ】(Only 3rd and 4th grades.)
進路・就職の相談について、具体的な内容をご記入ください。Please provide specific details about the consultation.
海外留学について、職員相談をご希望の方は以下にチェックをしてください。To request a staff consultation regarding Study abroad, please check below.
海外留学の相談について、具体的な内容をご記入ください。Please provide specific details about the Study abroad consultation.
本イベントについて、ご質問・ご意見がございましたらご記入ください。If you have any questions or comments about this event, please fill in the form below.