Document Request Form

If you need a document, please submit your request using the below form in English.

Your Name (in English Mandatory)
Please enter your last name, then first name in each of the following columns.

e-mail (Mandatory)
Phone Number (Mandatory)
Addres(in English Mandatory) 
Intended use of the product (in English Mandatory)
EX 1. For the development of new skin care cosmetics.
EX 2. For cost reduction.
Products List (Mandatory)
Please select one product which you want.
Case of selecting others (Mandatory)
If you select others,Please note one product name in English
Request Documents (Mandatory)
Please select to request Documents.
Case of selecting other document (Mandatory)
If you select others,Please note the document's name in English.

Special request
If you have the special request ,Plese note the detail in English.
Consent to handling of personal information (Mandator)
Please refer to the following address for our proper handling of specific personal Information.
General Policy Regarding the Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information | KANEDA Co., Ltd