メアリー・ヴァージニア・スワンソンに学ぶ3Days Workshop

”Publish Your Photography book”の共著者メアリー・ヴァージニア・スワンソンに学ぶ3Days Workshop お申込みフォームです。

 3-Days Workshop with Mary Virginia Swanson, co-author of “Publish Your Photography book” Registration Form.

メールアドレス(Email Address)
都道府県(Where I live)
生年月日(Date of Birth)
連絡先(Phone number)

Please select a payment method.
We do not accept international transfers. Please choose credit card payment.
割引コード(discount code)

Please enter your discount code if you have one.
お申込みいただいたきっかけ(Why did you apply?)
If you chose “Other,” please indicate what you saw in the application.
注意事項・キャンセルポリシー(Precautions and Cancellation Policy)

For payment and pre-project submission details after submitting this form,
We will contact you by e-mail within 3 business days.


Photography and recording of talks (cameras/mobile phones/smart phones/tablets, etc.) will not be permitted.
*Only your own portfolio review and recording is allowed.

We will record photos and videos of the event. We plan to use the photos and videos as promotional materials on SNS and our website after the event, so please inform the staff on the day of the event if you do not wish to be photographed.

There will be no online implementation. Please make sure to take the course on-site.

【キャンセルポリシー(Cancellation Policy)】

In the event of cancellation by the customer for any reason, the following cancellation charges will apply

10 days before the event to the day of the event: 100% of the participation fee
20 to 11 days prior to the event: 70% of the participation fee