Supplementary Form 追加フォーム

This is the application to reside at "Nagomikan". Read carefully and
complete the following questions.

Date of Birth/誕生日
Smoker, Non-smoker/喫煙、非喫煙
Comments or requests, if any, コメントや要望があれば記載してください

Students interested in residing in the Nagomikan Dormitory must accept to abide by the following rules.

Please be aware that Hiroshima University of Economics guarantees accommodation for exchange students as long as you accept the rules below.

1.I will pay the rent and utilities by the specified date.
2.I will ensure to clean my room on a regular basis.
3.I will NOT do careless or indecent behavior, and/or make sounds that may annoy other residents or people in the neighborhood.
4.I will be liable for the cost in repairing any broken or lost material or parts due to my careless behavior.
5.I will dispose trash appropriately, clean the room and restore the room to its original condition, and ensure to leave the room by the specified date.
6.I accept to leave the room in case I breach the terms and/or rules and compensate for any damages that have been done.
7.I will adhere to the terms and rules of use for the HUE Nagomikan.

1. 居室費及び光熱水費を期限内に支払います。
2. 入居中は、定期的に部屋を清掃し、常に清潔な状態を保ちます。
3. 入居中は、不衛生な行為や騒音など、他の居住者及び近隣に迷惑をかける行為をいたしません。
4. 入居中に施設、設備及び備品等を減失、破損又は汚損したときは、原状に回復し、又はその損害を賠償いたします。
5. 退去の際は、不要物を廃棄し清掃の上、原状に復帰し、定められた期限までに居室を明け渡します。
6. 誓約に違反したときは契約を解除し、必要に応じて賠償の責を負うと共に、速やかに居室を明け渡します。
7. その他、広島経済大学和み館利用細則の遵守事項を誠実に守ります。

- Photocopy of valid passport(bio-page only)/パスポート顔写真ページコピー
- Health Certificate/健康診断書
- Proof of funds to cover all expenses/経費支弁書
I understand and accept the stated terms and rules. I hereby submit the accommodation request./ 広島経済大学和み館に入居にあたり、以下の事項を守ることを誓い入居申請書を提出します。