奈良先端大サポーターズクラブ入会申込フォーム  Supporters Club Application Form

I agree with the purpose of the NAIST Supporters Club and apply for membership. I will donate the membership fee to the NAIST Fund.

会員種別を選択してください Please select a membership type (*Required)
法人・団体名 Corporation/Organization Name (*Required)
氏名 Name (*Required)
フリガナ Furigana (only for Japanese name) (Optional)
住所(日本国内に居住の方) Address(Must be entered if you reside in Japan)

住所(日本国外に居住の方) Address(Must be entered if you reside outside of Japan)
ご担当者の所属・職名・氏名 Affiliation, title and name of person in charge(*Required)
連絡先 Tell (*Required)
メールアドレス E-mail (*Required)
本学との関係 Relations with NAIST
参加されたことのある本学のイベント NAIST events you have attended
If you have participated in a NAIST event in the past, please enter the event name.
If you have not attended any events, please enter "None."
本学との共同研究等や寄附の実績について Joint research and donations
Have you conducted any joint research, contract research, or made any donations with NAIST?

具体的な本学とのご関係をご入力ください。 Please enter the specific relations with NAIST.
加入開始年度 Starting year of subscription (*Required)
法人会費(年間) Corporate membership fee (annual) (*Required)_copy
Please enter the number of units you wish to subscribe to.
The membership fee will be the number of units x 100,000 yen.
The period covered by the membership fee is in accordance with the Supporters Club's fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
個人会費(年間) Individual membership fee (annual) (*Required)
Please enter the number of units you wish to subscribe to.
The membership fee will be the number of units x 10,000 yen.
The period covered by the membership fee is in accordance with the Supporters Club's fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
会費の支払方法 How to pay membership fees(*Required)
会員名の公表について Publication of Member Names (*Required)
本サポーターズクラブを知ったきっかけ How did you know the NAIST Supporters Club?
The personal information that you provide to us shall be used solely for your membership administration and the legitimate purposes of Club activities. All personal information will be handled appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations. Donations will be handled in accordance with the regulations of the NAIST Endowment Fund; by making a donation, you agree to these rules.