“Cough Investigation” 新規投稿受付/New Submission Site

このサイトは日本咳嗽学会誌“Cough Investigation”への新規投稿受付専用サイトです。改訂稿の受付はできませんので、ご注意ください。
This site is dedicated to accepting new submissions to the Journal of “Cough Investigation”. Please note that revised manuscripts cannot be accepted. Please note that data cannot be modified after registration is completed. Please check your registration details carefully before submitting your manuscript.

投稿区分/Posting Category
連絡者情報Correspondence information
連絡者名前/Name of the Correspondent
連絡者メールアドレス/E-Mail address
連絡者所属機関名/Institution Name
連絡者所属機関住所/Institution Address

Postal Code
Postal Address
Country if outside Japan
連絡者所属機関電話番号/Institution Phone Number
筆頭著者または責任著者は本学会の会員である/The first author or the Correspondent is a member of the Japan Cough Society
 Except for invited papers, the first author or the Correspondent must be a member of the Japan Cough Society.
論文情報/Article Information
掲載区分/Publication Category
論文タイトル/Article Title
カバーレター/Cover Letter
投稿規定への同意/Agreement to Submission Rules
その他の情報/Other Information
Please indicate if you have any additional information for the Editorial Board.

論文ファイルアップロード/Manuscript File Upload

The maximum number of files that can be uploaded is 5, and the total file size is limited to 5 MB. If you exceed this limit, please contact the Editorial Office (cough@kubix.co.jp).
論文ファイル1/Manuscript File 1
論文ファイル2/Manuscript File 2
論文ファイル3/Manuscript File 3
論文ファイル4/Manuscript File 4
論文ファイル5/Manuscript File 5
個人情報の取扱いへの同意/Consent to Personal Information Handling
The Japanese Cough Society will not use your personal information (name, phone number, e-mail address, company name, organization name, department name, title, work address, and other contact information, etc.) for any purpose other than editing this paper. Personal information provided will be handled and managed appropriately in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.