東京大学 グローバル教育センター留学生支援室へのお問合せ
Inquiries to International Student Support Room, Center for Global Education (GlobE), The University of Tokyo

【学外の方へ】【To non-UTokyo members】
Depending on the content of your inquiries and/or comment, we may not be able to reply. We do not take sales or commercial inquiries. Thank you for your understanding. Please check FAQs.

1. お問い合わせの方の本学在籍状況 Your status at UTokyo
If you are 【3】Non-UTokyo member, please provide information about your affiliation, status, etc. to the extent necessary to answer the questions.

2. メールアドレス Email Address
学内の方は、大学発行のメールアドレス (*u-tokyo.ac.jp)を入力してください。@~utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp はメールアドレスではありませんので、返信できません。
Please enter your university-issued email address (*u-tokyo.ac.jp), if you are a UTokyo member. 
"~@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp" is NOT an email address, so we are not able to respond.
*If you are a UTokyo member, please make sure again that you put a university email address.
3. 名前 Name

4. 問合せ・質問内容 Inquiries
You can also use ISSR office hour (without an appointment) for making an inquiry. UTokyo General Consultation Unit also provides support for UTokyo members. For an urgent situation,  please also check emergency contact.
問合せ内容 Inquiries
簡単に記載してください。Please describe your inquiry briefly
If you selected “【3】Individual consultation/counseling appointment request” above, please do not fill in this section.
If you are a non-UTokyo member, please skip questions 5-7, and proceed to question 8.

5. 所属 Affiliation

6.Your status 東大でのステイタスを選択してください
If you selected "Others" in question 5 and 6, please state your current affiliation and status at UTokyo.

7 出身国・地域 Your home country/region
ご質問内容に回答するのに必要な場合がありますので、留学生等の方は選択してください。必須ではありません。Optional. Please select if you are an international student as this may be necessary to answer your question. 
Your home country/region (if you selected "Others")
「その他」を選んだ方は国/地域を記載してください。If you chose " Others," please specify your country/region.

8. 言語について Language(s) you prefer

個人情報の取り扱い方針 ​Personal information handling policy

Please do not forward messages sent by ISSR to any third party and/or post them on the Internet without permission.

Please check below for our personal information handling policy before sending the form.
Personal information handling policy

(1)Personal information protection  
 Personal information obtained through consultation and support (information possessed by ISSR) is strictly managed in accordance with relevant laws/regulations in Japan and ISSR personal information handling policy.
 ISSR will not share your personal information with anyone outside of ISSR without your permission. However, the exception to this is when there is a possibility of self-injury and/or harm to others (hurting yourself or others). 

(2)Use of user's information for research and educational purposes 
User’s information may be used for research and educational purposes to improve our services for international students and to internationalize our campus. The results may be published in academic conferences and/or journals. In such cases, all data will be anonymized so that the individual user will not be identified.
 Even if you do not agree to the use of personal information possessed by ISSR for educational and research purposes, you will not be subject to any disadvantage in using ISSR services. Please inform the staff when you use our services. You may also request your personal information not to be used for the research and educational purposes, even after you used ISSR services.